About me

Yuchi Yahagi is a Ph.D. student in the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies at the University of Tokyo. He received his M.A.S. in Interdisciplinary Information Studies from the University of Tokyo in 2022. With a background in engineering, he began his career at the intersection of human-computer interaction and optics. His research interests have evolved to focus on making as a core concept, extending into the learning sciences and design. His research methodology primarily involves qualitative approaches, including prototyping, ethnography, and interview.


Education Programs


Academic Activities



Honors and Awards

English honor or award names in parentheses() are my translations.

  1. Best Presentation Award, IIW Poster Session by PhD Students in 2024, 2025.1. (PaperWave)

  2. Best Interactive Presentation Award, HCG Symposium 2024, 2024.12. (PaperWave)

  3. HC Award, IEICE Human Communication Group, 2022.12. (ReQTable, Co-authored)

  4. MVE Award, MVE, 2022.6. (ReQTable, Co-authored)

  5. Best Poster - Nominee, IEEE VR 2022, 2022.3. (AIR-range, Co-authored)

  6. CHI'20 @ CHI'21 People’s Choice Best Demo Honorable Mention Award, ACM CHI ’21, 2021.5. (PneuModule, Co-authored)

  7. Student Volunteer Award (Local Expert), ACM CHI ’21, 2021.5.

  8. Student Volunteer Award (Most Organized Sous Chef), ACM CHI ’21, 2021.5.

  9. Honourable Mention Award, ACM CHI ’20, 2020.4. (PneuModule, Co-authored)

  10. Dean’s Award, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, 2020.3.24. (ViPlate)

  11. 優秀卒業論文賞 (Outstanding thesis award), Department of Information and Communication Engineering, The University of Tokyo, 2020.3.24. (ViPlate)

  12. インタラクティブ発表賞 (PC 推薦) (Interactive presentation award (Program Comittee selection)), IPSJ Interaction2020, 2020.3.11. (PneuModule, Co-authord)

  13. インタラクティブ発表賞 (一般投票) (Interactive presenstaion award (people’s choice)), IPSJ Interaction2020, 2020.3.11. (PneuModule, Co-authord)

  14. Best Engineering Award, NHK College student Robocon 2019, 2019.5. (Awarded as RoboTech)

  15. ABU Robocon Award, ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest 2018, 2018.8. (Awarded as RoboTech)

  16. 2nd Runner-Up, ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest 2018, 2018.8. (Awarded as RoboTech)

  17. Special Awards Toyota Motor Corporation, ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest 2018, 2018.8. (Awarded as RoboTech)

  18. Grand Prix, NHK College student Robocon 2018, 2018.6. (Awarded as RoboTech)

  19. Best Shuttlecock Award, NHK College student Robocon 2018, 2018.6. (Awarded as RoboTech.)

  20. 学業成績優秀賞 (Outstanding academic achievement award), National Institute of Technology, Gunma College, 2017.3.

  21. 課外活動功労賞 (Distinguished extracurricular activity award), National Institute of Technology, Gunma College, 2017.3.

  22. Loftwork PRISE, HIGH TOUCH RealSense App Hack-a-thon, 2016.1. (3D Snap, Yusuke Takei, Shuhei Matsuyama, Sam Park, & Yuchi Yahagi.)

  23. 学生表彰 (Student award), National Institute of Technology, 2016.3. (NeatSketcher, awarded as team g-ice)

  24. 特別功労賞 (Special achievement award), National Institute of Technology, Gunma College, 2016.3.

  25. アイデア倒れ賞, KOSEN Robot Contest 2015, 2015.11. (Joshu cowboy, awarded as NITGC Robot club)

  26. 1st Runner-Up, Embedded Technology Software Design Robot Contest 2015, 2015.11. (NeatSketcher, awarded as team g-ice)


Publications page

  • Year: 2023