
Journal articles

  1. [Free Access] Kohei Sugiyama, Yuchi Yahagi, Shinji Yokota, Chihei Shigyo, Yuhei Yamauchi: “Practical Exploration of the Design of a Drop-in Program for Brokering Relationships Between Youth Center Participants and Local Adults,” Japanese Journal of Adult and Community Education, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 1–14 (2024.12).

  2. [Free Access] Tomoyo Kikuchi, Yuchi Yahagi, Shogo Fukushima, Saki Sakaguchi, and Takeshi Naemura: “AIR-range: Designing optical systems to present a tall mid-AIR image with continuous luminance on and above a tabletop”, ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 75–87 (2023.4). [AIR-range] [YouTube]

  3. [Free Access] Yuchi Yahagi, Shogo Fukushima, Saki Sakaguchi, and Takeshi Naemura: “Suppression of floating image degradation using a mechanical vibration of a dihedral corner reflector array,” Optics Express, vol. 28, issue 22, pp. 33145 – 33156 (2020.10).
    [ViPlate] [YouTube]

International conference (full papers)

  1. [Free Access] Changyo Han, Ryo Takahashi, Yuchi Yahagi, and Takeshi Naemura: “PneuModule: Using Inflatable Pin Arrays for Reconfigurable Physical Controls on Pressure-Sensitive Touch Surfaces,” in Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI ‘20, Honolulu, HI, USA (2020.4.23). 🎖️ Honourable Mention Award
    [PneuModule] [YouTube]

International conference (reviewed)

  1. [Free Access] Yuchi Yahagi, Rintaro Chujo, Yuga Harada, Changyo Han, Kohei Sugiyama, and Takeshi Naemura: “PaperWave: Listening to Research Papers as Conversational Podcasts Scripted by LLM,” in Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ‘25), Yokohama, Japan (2025.4.26-5.1). (Scheduled)

    [Demo] [YouTube] [GitHub (CLI)] [GitHub (Web)]

  2. [Free Access] Mizuki Takenawa, Tomoyo Kikuchi, Yuchi Yahagi, Shogo Fukushima, Takeshi Naemura: “ReQTable: Square tabletop display that provides dual-sided mid-air images to each of four users,” ACM SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, No. 8, Vancouver, BC, Canada (2022.8.8-11). [YouTube]

  3. Tomoyo Kikuchi, Yuchi Yahagi, Shogo Fukushima, Saki Sakaguchi, and Takeshi Naemura: “AIR-range: Arranging optical systems to present mid-AIR images with continuous luminance on and above a tabletop,” 2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW) (IEEE VR), A-C43, Virtual Event (2022.3.14). 🎖️ Best Poster - Nominee [AIR-range] [YouTube]

  4. [Free Access] Changyo Han*, Ryo Takahashi*, Yuchi Yahagi*, and Takeshi Naemura: “3D Printing Firm Inflatables with Internal Tethers,” in Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI EA‘21 Late-Breaking Work, No. 218, Yokohama, Japan (2021.5.10). (* These authors contributed equally to this paper)

  5. [Free Access] Yuchi Yahagi, Shogo Fukushima, Saki Sakaguchi, Hajime Itsukaichi, and Takeshi Naemura: “ViPlate: Suppressing Mid-Air Image Degradation by Vibrating a Retro-Transmissive Plate,” ACM SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, No. 17, Virtual Event, USA (2020.8.28).
    [ViPlate] [YouTube]

  6. [Free Access] Changyo Han, Ryo Takahashi, Yuchi Yahagi, and Takeshi Naemura: “PneuModule: Using Inflatable Pin Arrays for Reconfigurable Physical Controls on Pressure-Sensitive Touch Surfaces,” in Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI EA ’20 Interactivity, Honolulu, HI, USA (2020.4.25, 2021.5.13@CHI2021). 🎖️ CHI'20 @ CHI'21 People’s Choice Best Demo Honorable Mention Award
    [PneuModule] [YouTube]

Domestic conference, workshop, and meeting

  1. Serina Tanaka, Rintaro Chujo, Yuchi Yahagi, Young ah Seong: “The Effect of Eye Stickers and Discount Stickers on Vegetables on Impression Formation and Purchase Intent,” The 20th Spring Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering (2025.3.5–3.7). (Scheduled)

  2. 中西ゆき菜, 中條麟太郎, 矢作優知, ソンヨンア: “MoyaMoyaMusic:リスナーの悩みを反映したポジティブな音楽生成システム,” インタラクション2025 (2025.3.2–3.4). (Scheduled)

  3. 直井駿, 中條麟太郎, 中橋侑里, 矢作優知, ソンヨンア: “MuseBuddy:ダイバーの水中探索を促すウェアラブルデバイスの提案,” インタラクション2025 (2025.3.2–3.4). (Scheduled)

  4. [Free Access] Yuchi Yahagi, Rintaro Chujo, Yuga Harada, Changyo Han, Kohei Sugiyama, Takeshi Naemura: “Developing PaperWave: A System for Adapting Research Papers into Conversational Podcasts with LLMs,” IEICE Technical Report, HCG Symposium 2024 (2024.12). 🏆 Best Interactive Presentation Award

    [Demo] [YouTube] [GitHub (CLI)] [GitHub (Web)]

  5. [Free Access] Ayumi Takagi*, Syun Naoi*, Reika Nakamura*, Rintaro Chujo, Yuchi Yahagi, Katsufumi Matsui, Young ah Seong: “Copter: A Design Inquiry for Objects That Move Autonomously While Coexisting with Humans,” the 29th Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 2A2-12, 2G-09 (2024.9). (* These authors contributed equally to this paper)

  6. [Free Access] Sakurako Ohira*, Yukina Nakanishi*, Kanato Matsuura*, Rintaro Chujo, Yuchi Yahagi, Katsufumi Matsui, Young ah Seong: “Proposing ‘Calomon’: A Playful Reflection Method Using Pens That Rotate According to Daily Life Logs,” the 29th Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 1E2-05, 1G-27 (2024.9). (* These authors contributed equally to this paper)

  7. [Free Access] Haru Hatori*, Serina Tanaka*, Yukun Wang*, Rintaro Chujo, Yuchi Yahagi, Katsufumi Matsui, Young ah Seong: “Interaction Design with Movement for the Suppression of Aggressive Speech on Smart Speakers,” the 29th Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 2A1-10, 2G-05 (2024.9). (* These authors contributed equally to this paper)

  8. [Free Access] Yoshiki Furuya, Yuchi Yahagi, Tomoyo Kikuchi, Ayako Yogo, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Shogo Fukushima: “Initial Design of a Mountless Aerial HMD for VR Experiences in the Supine Position,” the 29th Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 3E2-01, 3G-29 (2024.9).

  9. [Free Access] Yuchi Yahagi, Rintaro Chujo, Katsufumi Matsui, Young ah Seong: “Development of a Workshop and a Toolkit to Ontologically Redefine Smart Devices through Tinkering,” JSET Fall Conference 2024, 3-L609-014 (2024.9).

  10. [Free Access] Yuchi Yahagi, Daisuke Kuramoto, Changyo Han, Takeshi Naemura: “Exploring the difficulties faced by participants during an aerial image making workshop,” The JSET Spring Conference 2024, 3-S06B2 (2024.3.2).

  11. Kohei Sugiyama, Yuchi Yahagi, Shinji Yokota, Chihei Shigyo, Yuhei Yamauchi: “Designing a Youth Center Program for Actualizing Adolescents’ Interests in Academic Domains,” The JSET Spring Conference 2023, 5-S06D1 (2023.3.26).

  12. Mizuki Takenawa, Yuchi Yahagi, Tomoyo Kikuchi, Shogo Fukushima, Takeshi Naemura: “Suppressing stray light of tabletop display that provides dual-sided mid-air images to each of four users,” IEICE Technical Report, vol. 122, no. 74, MVE2022-3, pp. 13-18 (2022.6.16). 🎖️ MVE Award 🎖️ HC Award [YouTube]

  13. 杉山昂平, 矢作優知, 和田夏実, 久保田愛海: “STEAM 教育研究プロジェクトの流れと授業実践「身体と触覚でコンピュータを介したコミュニケーションを考える」報告,” 第 2 回 STEAM 教育シンポジウム (2022.3.30)

  14. [Free Access] 矢作優知,松井克文,Hautasaari Ari,韓燦教,富木菜穂,苗村健: “遠隔の初学者と経験者が共同で電子工作を行う製作ツールの提案,” インタラクション 2022, 5D-05 (2022.3.2).

  15. [Free Access] Tomoyo Kikuchi, Yuchi Yahagi, Shogo Fukushima, Saki Sakaguchi, and Takeshi Naemura: “AIR-range: Arranging mid-AIR images from the table surface to the mid-air space considering luminance continuity,” the 26th Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 1D3-3 (2021.9.12). [AIR-range] [YouTube]

  16. 矢作優知: “ものづくりの遠隔サポートを支援するツールの研究,” LS Japan Research Meeting (2021.3.14).

  17. 韓燦教,高橋亮,矢作優知,苗村健: “糸状の内部支持構造を持つ高剛性インフレータブルの 3D プリント手法,” WISS2020, N-26 (2020.12.17).

  18. [Free Access] 韓燦教,高橋亮,矢作優知,苗村健: “PneuModule: 感圧タッチパッドとインフレータブルピンアレイを用いた再構成可能な物理インタフェース,” インタラクション 2020,3B-17 (2020.3.11). 🎖️ インタラクティブ発表賞 (PC 推薦), 🎖️ インタラクティブ発表賞 (一般投票)
    [PneuModule] [Project page]


  1. [Free Access] Yuchi Yahagi, Rintaro Chujo, Yuga Harada, Changyo Han, Kohei Sugiyama, and Takeshi Naemura: “PaperWave: Listening to Research Papers as Conversational Podcasts Scripted by LLM,” arXiv:2410.15023 (2024.10.19).

    [Demo] [YouTube] [GitHub (CLI)] [GitHub (Web)]

  1. [Free Access] Yuchi Yahagi: “SIGGRAPH2020 Participation Report”, Journal of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol. 25, issue 4, p. 34 (2020.12).


  1. Hiroki Kaimoto, Yuchi Yahagi, Hirotaka Hiraki: “co(r)d[e],” iiiexhibition22, Online (2020.11).

  2. Yuchi Yahagi, Kanako Aota, Naoto Oshiro, Akiyoshi Onishi, Hiroki Kaimoto, Hitomi Kuboki: “気配のふるまい,” iiiexhibition Extra2020, Online (2020.7).

  3. RoboTech: “Kareshi/Kanojo” (NHK College student Robocon 2018), Robocon museum season2, Science Museum, Tokyo, Japan (2018.11 - 2018.12).

  4. NITGC Robot Club: “Joshu Cowboy,” Niconico Chokaigi 2017 Robot Contest, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan (2017.4).

  5. NITGC Robot Club, “Joshu Cowboy,” NHK Science Stedium 2015, Miraikan - The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, Tokyo, Japan (2015.12).

TV shows

  1. “高専ロボコン 2020 「マニアと一緒にほくそ笑む超解説スペシャル」,” NHK BSP (2021.2.26 23:15-0:44)

  2. “サイエンス ZERO 高専ロボコン 2019 全国大会 直前 SP,” NHK E (2019.11.17 23:30-24:00)

  3. KOSEN Robocon 2018, NHK BS1 (2018.11.25 16:00-18:00)

  4. “サイエンス ZERO 高専ロボコン直前SP 今年はロボット同士の華やかな空中戦!,” NHK E (2018.11.18 23:30-24:00)

  • Year: 2023