
Journal articles

  1. [Free Access] Tomoyo Kikuchi, Yuchi Yahagi, Shogo Fukushima, Saki Sakaguchi, and Takeshi Naemura: “AIR-range: Designing optical systems to present a tall mid-AIR image with continuous luminance on and above a tabletop”, ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 75–87 (2023.4). [AIR-range] [YouTube]

  2. [Free Access] Yuchi Yahagi, Shogo Fukushima, Saki Sakaguchi, and Takeshi Naemura: “Suppression of floating image degradation using a mechanical vibration of a dihedral corner reflector array,” Optics Express, vol. 28, issue 22, pp. 33145 – 33156 (2020.10).
    [ViPlate] [YouTube]

International conference

  1. [Free Access] Changyo Han, Ryo Takahashi, Yuchi Yahagi, and Takeshi Naemura: “PneuModule: Using Inflatable Pin Arrays for Reconfigurable Physical Controls on Pressure-Sensitive Touch Surfaces,” in Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI ‘20, Honolulu, HI, USA (2020.4.23). 🎖️ Honourable Mention Award
    [PneuModule] [YouTube]

International demos and posters

  1. [Free Access] Mizuki Takenawa, Tomoyo Kikuchi, Yuchi Yahagi, Shogo Fukushima, Takeshi Naemura: “ReQTable: Square tabletop display that provides dual-sided mid-air images to each of four users,” ACM SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, No. 8, Vancouver, BC, Canada (2022.8.8-11). [YouTube]

  2. Tomoyo Kikuchi, Yuchi Yahagi, Shogo Fukushima, Saki Sakaguchi, and Takeshi Naemura: “AIR-range: Arranging optical systems to present mid-AIR images with continuous luminance on and above a tabletop,” 2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW) (IEEE VR), A-C43, Virtual Event (2022.3.14). 🎖️ Best Poster - Nominee [AIR-range] [YouTube]

  3. [Free Access] Changyo Han*, Ryo Takahashi*, Yuchi Yahagi*, and Takeshi Naemura: “3D Printing Firm Inflatables with Internal Tethers,” in Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI EA‘21 Late-Breaking Work, No. 218, Yokohama, Japan (2021.5.10). (* These authors contributed equally to this paper)

  4. [Free Access] Yuchi Yahagi, Shogo Fukushima, Saki Sakaguchi, Hajime Itsukaichi, and Takeshi Naemura: “ViPlate: Suppressing Mid-Air Image Degradation by Vibrating a Retro-Transmissive Plate,” ACM SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, No. 17, Virtual Event, USA (2020.8.28).
    [ViPlate] [YouTube]

  5. [Free Access] Changyo Han, Ryo Takahashi, Yuchi Yahagi, and Takeshi Naemura: “PneuModule: Using Inflatable Pin Arrays for Reconfigurable Physical Controls on Pressure-Sensitive Touch Surfaces,” in Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI EA ’20 Interactivity, Honolulu, HI, USA (2020.4.25, 2021.5.13@CHI2021). 🎖️ CHI'20 @ CHI'21 People’s Choice Best Demo Honorable Mention Award
    [PneuModule] [YouTube]

Domestic conference, workshop, & meeting

  1. [Free Access] Yuchi Yahagi, Rintaro Chujo, Yuuga Harada, Changyo Han, Kohei Sugiyama, Takeshi Naemura: “Developing PaperWave: A System for Adapting Research Papers into Conversational Podcasts with LLMs,” IEICE Technical Report, HCG Symposium 2024 (2024.12). (Scheduled)

    [Demo] [YouTube] [GitHub (CLI)] [GitHub (Web)]

  2. [Free Access] Ayumi Takagi*, Syun Naoi*, Reika Nakamura*, Rintaro Chujo, Yuchi Yahagi, Katsufumi Matsui, Young ah Seong: “Copter: A Design Inquiry for Objects That Move Autonomously While Coexisting with Humans,” the 29th Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 2A2-12, 2G-09 (2024.9). (* These authors contributed equally to this paper)

  3. [Free Access] Sakurako Ohira*, Yukina Nakanishi*, Kanato Matsuura*, Rintaro Chujo, Yuchi Yahagi, Katsufumi Matsui, Young ah Seong: “Proposing ‘Calomon’: A Playful Reflection Method Using Pens That Rotate According to Daily Life Logs,” the 29th Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 1E2-05, 1G-27 (2024.9). (* These authors contributed equally to this paper)

  4. [Free Access] Haru Hatori*, Serina Tanaka*, Yukun Wang*, Rintaro Chujo, Yuchi Yahagi, Katsufumi Matsui, Young ah Seong: “Interaction Design with Movement for the Suppression of Aggressive Speech on Smart Speakers,” the 29th Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 2A1-10, 2G-05 (2024.9). (* These authors contributed equally to this paper)

  5. [Free Access] Yoshiki Furuya, Yuchi Yahagi, Tomoyo Kikuchi, Ayako Yogo, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Shogo Fukushima: “Initial Design of a Mountless Aerial HMD for VR Experiences in the Supine Position,” the 29th Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 3E2-01, 3G-29 (2024.9).

  6. [Free Access] Yuchi Yahagi, Rintaro Chujo, Katsufumi Matsui, Young ah Seong: “Development of a Workshop and a Toolkit to Ontologically Redefine Smart Devices through Tinkering,” JSET Fall Conference 2024, 3-L609-014 (2024.9).

  7. [Free Access] Yuchi Yahagi, Daisuke Kuramoto, Changyo Han, Takeshi Naemura: “Exploring the difficulties faced by participants during an aerial image making workshop,” The JSET Spring Conference 2024, 3-S06B2 (2024.3.2).

  8. Kohei Sugiyama, Yuchi Yahagi, Shinji Yokota, Chihei Shigyo, Yuhei Yamauchi: “Designing a Youth Center Program for Actualizing Adolescents’ Interests in Academic Domains,” The JSET Spring Conference 2023, 5-S06D1 (2023.3.26).

  9. Mizuki Takenawa, Yuchi Yahagi, Tomoyo Kikuchi, Shogo Fukushima, Takeshi Naemura: “Suppressing stray light of tabletop display that provides dual-sided mid-air images to each of four users,” IEICE Technical Report, vol. 122, no. 74, MVE2022-3, pp. 13-18 (2022.6.16). 🎖️ MVE Award 🎖️ HC Award [YouTube]

  10. 杉山昂平, 矢作優知, 和田夏実, 久保田愛海: “STEAM 教育研究プロジェクトの流れと授業実践「身体と触覚でコンピュータを介したコミュニケーションを考える」報告,” 第 2 回 STEAM 教育シンポジウム (2022.3.30)

  11. [Free Access] 矢作優知,松井克文,Hautasaari Ari,韓燦教,富木菜穂,苗村健: “遠隔の初学者と経験者が共同で電子工作を行う製作ツールの提案,” インタラクション 2022, 5D-05 (2022.3.2).

  12. [Free Access] Tomoyo Kikuchi, Yuchi Yahagi, Shogo Fukushima, Saki Sakaguchi, and Takeshi Naemura: “AIR-range: Arranging mid-AIR images from the table surface to the mid-air space considering luminance continuity,” the 26th Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 1D3-3 (2021.9.12). [AIR-range] [YouTube]

  13. 矢作優知: “ものづくりの遠隔サポートを支援するツールの研究,” LS Japan Research Meeting (2021.3.14).

  14. 韓燦教,高橋亮,矢作優知,苗村健: “糸状の内部支持構造を持つ高剛性インフレータブルの 3D プリント手法,” WISS2020, N-26 (2020.12.17).

  15. [Free Access] 韓燦教,高橋亮,矢作優知,苗村健: “PneuModule: 感圧タッチパッドとインフレータブルピンアレイを用いた再構成可能な物理インタフェース,” インタラクション 2020,3B-17 (2020.3.11). 🎖️ インタラクティブ発表賞 (PC 推薦), 🎖️ インタラクティブ発表賞 (一般投票)
    [PneuModule] [Project page]


  1. [Free Access] Yuchi Yahagi, Rintaro Chujo, Yuga Harada, Changyo Han, Kohei Sugiyama, and Takeshi Naemura: “PaperWave: Listening to Research Papers as Conversational Podcasts Scripted by LLM,” arXiv:2410.15023 (2024.10.19).
  1. [Free Access] Yuchi Yahagi: “SIGGRAPH2020 Participation Report”, Journal of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol. 25, issue 4, p. 34 (2020.12).


  1. Hiroki Kaimoto, Yuchi Yahagi, Hirotaka Hiraki: “co(r)d[e],” iiiexhibition22, Online (2020.11).

  2. Yuchi Yahagi, Kanako Aota, Naoto Oshiro, Akiyoshi Onishi, Hiroki Kaimoto, Hitomi Kuboki: “気配のふるまい,” iiiexhibition Extra2020, Online (2020.7).

  3. RoboTech: “Kareshi/Kanojo” (NHK College student Robocon 2018), Robocon museum season2, Science Museum, Tokyo, Japan (2018.11 - 2018.12).

  4. NITGC Robot Club: “Joshu Cowboy,” Niconico Chokaigi 2017 Robot Contest, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan (2017.4).

  5. NITGC Robot Club, “Joshu Cowboy,” NHK Science Stedium 2015, Miraikan - The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, Tokyo, Japan (2015.12).

TV shows

  1. “高専ロボコン 2020 「マニアと一緒にほくそ笑む超解説スペシャル」,” NHK BSP (2021.2.26 23:15-0:44)

  2. “サイエンス ZERO 高専ロボコン 2019 全国大会 直前 SP,” NHK E (2019.11.17 23:30-24:00)

  3. KOSEN Robocon 2018, NHK BS1 (2018.11.25 16:00-18:00)

  4. “サイエンス ZERO 高専ロボコン直前SP 今年はロボット同士の華やかな空中戦!,” NHK E (2018.11.18 23:30-24:00)

  • Year: 2023